
Welcome to the System Scheduler Tour

The screen shots below are taken from our Professional version and highlight some features not available in the Free version. Note the Free version contains only 3 Event types: Run Application, Popup Reminder and Window Watcher, but the Professional version has many more Event types.

Event and Trigger Types

Here is the Event List Window. System Scheduler has a range of different Event types and scheduling options/triggers, some are shown in the screen shot below. For each event you can see when it is scheduled to run and when it last ran, in addition you can right-click an event and create a desktop shortcut to run an event immediately.

Have a read down the Title column to give you an idea of just some of the things you can do with System Scheduler.


Create a New Scheduled Event

The screen shot below displays the window where you create a new Event. The drop-down list shows the different types of events you can create with System Scheduler. In the Free version only 3 event types will be listed here and there is no Advanced tab.


Schedule an Event

In the Schedule tab you choose when you want your Event to run. There are a range of very flexible scheduling options and triggers. Schedule times can range from Every Minute to Every Year, and any combination you can think of in between.


Here is a sample Monthly schedule. Monthly schedules can be configured to run on specific dates of the month, on specific working or non-working days or even the first/last day of the month. And you don't have to run the event every month, select specific months or untick every other month to give you a bi-monthly schedule.


Advanced Features

In the Advanced tab there are a range of advanced settings available to give you extra levels of control over how your Event runs. This screen shot shows the ability to set the Credentials your Event will use. By default System Scheduler uses the logged in users credentails to run the application, here you can configure it to always use the Service credentials or a specific user.


Some more advanced settings here enable you to tell System Scheduler what notifications should be sent if an Event encounters an error.


Preferences and Options

Finally, we are reaching the end of our tour. Below is one of the Preferences setting tabs that is available to futher configure System Scheduler to your requirements.


Hope you enjoyed the tour. This has only scratched the surface of System Scheduler's capabilities. If you've not tried it already we recommend you download the 30 day evaluation of the Professional version from our download area. If you have any questions please contact us.